Arthur Firmino


I'm currently a last-year PhD student at Luxion and the Technical University of Denmark. The focus of my research has been on image denoising and adaptive sampling for Monte Carlo ray tracing. Prior to my PhD I worked on Halo Infinite at SkyBox Labs in Vancouver. I also hold an MSc in Computer Science, and a BSc in Physics. If you have questions feel free to email.


Denoising-aware Adaptive Sampling for Monte Carlo Ray Tracing
Arthur Firmino, Jeppe Revall Frisvad, Henrik Wann Jensen
SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Proceedings (To Appear)
[pdf] [supplemental]

Progressive Denoising of Monte Carlo Rendered Images
Arthur Firmino, Jeppe Revall Frisvad, Henrik Wann Jensen
Computer Graphics Forum (EG 2022) May 2022.
[pdf] [supplemental] [code]

Other Projects

Physically Based Rendering of Ice Crystal Halos
Arthur Firmino, Supervised by Brian Wyvill
MSc Project, University of Victoria (2018)
[pdf] [code]